About Landmark Legal
Landmark Legal Foundation is a national non-profit that upholds the Constitution and our founding principles through legal advocacy and education. Landmark advances an “originalist” approach to the Constitution — that the words in the Constitution mean what they meant at the Founding — and defends our nation’s bedrock principle of liberty.
Border security, election integrity, and defending the Constitution’s separation of powers doctrine are the Foundation’s program priorities. We fight for liberty. We fight for the Rule of Law. And we fight for you.
Please take some time to look through our website, learn about the people behind Landmark Legal, and review some of our most important work. We appreciate and rely on the financial support of thousands of Americans across the nation. Please feel free to join our email update list and, if you are able, to join our small army of supporters.
We fight for the Constitution in court and work diligently to inform the public about key issues through FOIA requests, media appearances, and public records investigations.
Landmark Legal Foundation
Great Plains Legal Foundation established in Kansas City, Missouri. First President was future U.S. Senator Christopher “Kit” Bond.
Great Plains fought the Carter Administration’s massive regulatory agenda through public education, agency comments, and litigation.
Great Plains merges with Gulf States Legal Foundation to form Great Plains and Gulf States Legal Foundation.
Great Plains/Gulf States becomes Landmark Legal Foundation.
Landmark successfully challenges Omaha, Nebraska’s city ordinance granting the local plumber’s union authority to issue plumbing licenses. The case is decided by the Eighth Circuit of Appeals and clears the way for independent plumbers throughout the Midwest to operate their businesses free from union interference and corruption.
Landmark represents Kansas City, Missouri taxpayers in the public school system’s desegregation litigation. The Foundation successfully challenged a federal district judge’s direct levy of income and property taxes to finance desegregation costs. Later, Landmark represented local parents and African American organizations (including the local Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Urban League) challenging the district court’s quota system.
The nation’s first school choice program, the Milwaukee Parental Choice Plan, is defended by Landmark Legal Foundation. Throughout the litigation, Landmark represented the program’s author, State Representative Annette “Polly” Williams. Beginning in 1996, the Foundation fought for and won an expansion in the program to allow children access to religious schools, which greatly expanded school choice in Milwaukee.
Mark Levin joins Landmark Legal Foundation. Levin serves as the Foundation’s president and board of director member from 1996-2017. Mark currently leads Landmark’s board of directors.
In response to a wave of political scandals in the Clinton Administration, Landmark used the Freedom of Information Act, litigation, public education, and regular media appearances to educate the public and defend the Rule of Law against abuses by administration officials, including Bill and Hillary Clinton. Landmark was prominent in matters ranging from Clinton Impeachment; the Whitewater and Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan frauds; the FBI files abuses; the Travel Office Firings; the President’s obstruction of justice in civil litigation; and more.
The Foundation sought public records from the EPA relating to improper environmental special interest group influence over the Clinton Administration’s regulations and litigation activities. EPA violated a federal district court order to preserve EPA administrator Carol Browner’s computer hard drive. The EPA destroyed Browner’s and other senior EPA officials’ computer records hours after Landmark secured a restraining order. Judge Royce C. Lamberth ordered the EPA to pay Landmark $210,000 in attorney’s fees.
Efforts by the Clinton Administration and members of Congress waged a campaign of intimidation against conservative groups by secretly demanding that the IRS conduct politically motivated audits. Landmark exposed the scandal through the Freedom of Information Act and federal litigation.
Landmark conducted a series of investigations into unreported political expenditures by the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers’ during the 1990’s and early 2000’s. The Foundation’s efforts led to a multi-year audit of the NEA’s tax returns and to the reporting of tens of millions of dollars in previously secret political expenditures by both unions.
The Foundation’s investigations into unreported teacher union political expenditures expanded into state and local unions. Our work discovered that numerous affiliates spent millions of dollars on taxable political activities without reporting them to the IRS as required by law. Many faced fines, penalties, and IRS audits.
Landmark sought and published public records regarding attacks by Guantanamo Bay terrorist detainees against American personnel. Our work revealed multiple dangerous attacks during a time when the U.S. media obsessed over detainee treatment.
Landmark investigated “Labor Centers” at public universities including the University of Wisconsin, University of California-Berkley, University of Iowa, and many more. In case after case, the Foundation found that these centers improperly used millions of taxpayer dollars to train labor union members to become political activists. We reported our findings to legislators and in many states fundamental reforms resulted, including the elimination of the program at Evergreen College in Washington State.
Obamacare Litigation. Landmark argued at all levels of federal court that the individual mandate as a violation of the Commerce Clause. Once an appellate judge wrote in a concurring opinion in one of the many Obamacare challenges that the individual mandate might be upheld as a tax, Landmark turned its attention to that issue. In his infamous decision upholding Obamacare, Chief Justice Roberts and the four liberals then on the Court agreed with the tax theory. Landmark was one of only two (out of nearly 200 friend of the court briefs filed in the case) parties addressing the tax issue, arguing that it could not be considered a constitutionally permitted tax.
Landmark supports state efforts to support federal immigration laws. Landmark’s work in this area began in Arizona, Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina. With the Biden Administration’s abdication of immigration enforcement, Landmark is reengaging in this fight.
The Foundation opposes federal regulatory overreach, particularly those by the EPA, which under the Obama Administration and already under the Biden Administration seeks to expand its authority beyond that delegated by Congress. Landmark is a leading opponent of the “Chevron Doctrine,” which gives federal agencies an unconstitutional advantage in cases challenging improper government regulations. Landmark fought Obama’s regulations that effectively prohibited the construction of coal-fired power plants, that would have puddles of water declared “navigable waterways” subject to federal regulation, and many more.
EPA FOIA II. Landmark sought records of communications between Obama EPA officials and special interest environmental groups. EPA refused to conduct adequate searches for records, withheld records located, and concealed records by allowing senior officials to set up phony email accounts or use private email accounts to conduct official business. EPA’s misconduct in this case led to a second sanctions order and attorney fee award to Landmark.
Voting Rights Act and Voter ID litigation. Landmark supported the State of North Carolina’s challenge of the Voting Rights Act requirement that the federal government approve even the most minor changes in the state’s voting processes. Under the VRA, North Carolina and many other, mostly southern states, from determining who would work polls, where a polling place would be located, or the like. The Supreme Court agreed. In addition to North Carolina, Landmark worked with the states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona on voter identification measures.
Landmark received numerous reports from Tea Party activists that the IRS was harassing them when they applied for IRS recognition as advocacy organizations. Landmark filed a complaint with the IRS Inspector General’s office. The resulting report led to a series of successful legal challenges and the removal of the IRS’s most senior tax-exempt division personnel.
The Foundation submitted Freedom of Information Act requests to multiple federal agencies seeking records indicating the use of private or alias email addresses for the conduct of official agency business. The requests led to litigation against the Department of Justice, Health and Human Services, and the Department of Labor, all of which acknowledged the practice, but refused to search for records. HHS claimed Landmark’s request would be “time consuming” and “tedious.”
Landmark Election Integrity Project Launched. The Foundation’s focus is on ensuring that only eligible U.S. citizens register to vote and that only legitimate votes are counted. Our focus is on protecting states’ constitutional authority to ensure that voter registrations are accurate and properly maintained and to protect the integrity of their elections. Landmark is fiercely dedicated to opposing any effort to nationalize elections.
Angel Family Advocacy. Beginning with litigation challenging the Trump Administration’s expansion of the existing border wall along the southern United States, Landmark is working with families who have lost loved ones to crimes committed by individuals who are in the United States illegally.
Our People

Richard P. (Pete) Hutchison, Esq.
President & General Counsel
Richard P. “Pete” Hutchison has dedicated more than 30 years serving the Conservative movement with Landmark Legal Foundation. Pete has been in the trenches for some of the most important public policy issues of the last quarter century: school choice; judicial taxation; labor union political coercion; EPA, IRS, and other federal agency overreach and abuses; voter integrity; and in numerous U.S. Supreme Court cases dealing with significant constitutional issues. He has argued cases in the Missouri and Wisconsin Supreme Courts as well as the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal for the D.C. and 10th Circuits. Prior to becoming Landmark’s president, Pete served for 20 years as the Foundation’s general counsel. He is proud to succeed his longtime friend and colleague Mark Levin as Landmark’s president.
Pete earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Missouri State University. He also attended Benedictine College. He serves on the Board of Rectors for Conception Seminary College. Pete and his wife Judy have seven adult children.
Michael J. O'Neill, Esq.
Vice President of Legal Affairs
Michael J. O’Neill serves as Assistant General Counsel and the Barbara K. Olson Legal Counsel. He is a graduate of Villanova University and the Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law. He specializes in constitutional and regulatory legal matters, and has exposed tax abuse and improper political spending by non-profit groups. He has authored numerous amicus briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court. He is a member of the Federalist Society and the American Bar Association. Mike is licensed to practice law in Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Matthew C. Forys, Esq.
Executive Vice President
Matthew C. Forys serves as Assistant General Counsel and the Edwin Meese III Legal Counsel. He is a graduate of Lafayette College and the Rutgers School of Law. His prior experience includes general practice in New York and New Jersey. He also served as a domestic policy analyst on Capitol Hill. He is a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve. At Landmark, he has uncovered government waste and improper political spending by nonprofit groups, resulting in extensive referral complaints with federal and state agencies. He has also written amicus briefs for the U.S. Supreme Court on various issues, including immigration, administrative and election law. Matt is licensed to practice law in New York, New Jersey and Virginia.
Joshua C. Frey
Development Manager
Board of Directors

Mark R. Levin
Chairman Emeritus
Mark Levin is the host of The Mark Levin Show, one of the most respected political radio shows in the country. Heard by 14 plus millions in America and around the world, The Mark Levin Show airs 6:00 – 9:00 pm EST on over 300 stations across the United States, on satellite radio, live streaming apps, and by podcast. Mark’s outstanding talent as a radio host earned him induction in the National Radio Hall of Fame in November 2018.
A highly respected legal and constitutional scholar and intellectual leader of the conservative movement, Mark brings his extraordinary knowledge and experience as a constitutional lawyer to discuss and analyze current national and international events, and as a student of history, Mark provides keen insight into today’s issues within the context of U.S. and world history.
Mark also hosts Life, Liberty & Levin each Sunday at 8:00 pm ET on the Fox News Channel, where Mark explores the fundamental principles undergirding American society, culture, and politics, as well as national and international current events with consequential guests. Life, Liberty & Levin is the # 1 rated cable news Sunday show in America in its time slot, beating all of its competition combined.
Mark is also the host of LevinTV, now part of The Blaze, where Mark shares his unique, in-depth perspective of pro-American and patriotic values. Mark also serves as Chairman of the Board of Landmark Legal Foundation.
Mark is the author of nine New York Times bestselling books, with seven of these being consecutive New York Times #1 bestsellers: Liberty and Tyranny, Plunder and Deceit, Rediscovering Americanism, Ameritopia, The Liberty Amendments, Unfreedom of the Press and his most recent book American Marxism. His books Men in Black and Rescuing Sprite were also New York Times bestsellers.
Holding the position of #1 on the New York Times bestseller list for ten straight weeks, and on the New York Times bestseller list for four months to date, American Marxism explains how the core elements of Marxist ideology are pervasive in American society and culture, including in our schools, the media, corporations, Hollywood, and the Democratic Party, and how it is often cloaked in deceptive labels like “progressivism,” “democratic socialism,” “social activism,” and “community activism.” Mark digs into the psychology and tactics of these mass movements, their anti-American purposes, the widespread brainwashing of students, and the escalation of repression and censorship to silence opposing voices and enforce conformity. He exposes by name the institutions and activists leading this American Marxist revolution, and provides substantive ideas on how to confront them and build a movement to retake our foundations of liberty.
Mark was an adviser to several members of President Ronald Reagan’s cabinet, including as Chief of Staff to then-Attorney General Edwin Meese and as Deputy Solicitor of the U.S. Department of Interior. He has received numerous awards including the American Conservative Union’s Ronald Reagan Award, the Media Research Center’s William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence, the Gene Burns Memorial Award for Freedom of Speech, the Friends of Zion Defender Award, the Turning Point USA Lifetime Achievement Award and, most recently, the Pacific Research Institute’s Taube Family Freedom Prize.
A native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mark holds a BA from Temple University and a JD from Temple University Law School.

John N. Richardson, Jr.
John Richardson is Executive Vice President and COO of the Club for Growth. John has served as a senior executive for numerous private sector businesses for more than 30 years. Prior to his work in the private sector, John was chief of staff to Attorney General Edwin Meese and held other high level positions in the Reagan Justice Department. John is Landmark’s immediate past board chairman and has served on the Foundation’s board for two decades.

Edwin Meese III
Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow Emeritus at The Heritage Foundation
Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient
Perhaps best known as U.S. attorney general during Reagan’s second term, Meese’s service to the conservative icon stretched from the California governor’s mansion in 1966 to the White House in 1981 before he went to the Department of Justice four years later.
He graduated from Yale University in 1953 and holds a law degree from the University of California-Berkeley.
Meese spent much of his adult life working for Reagan, first after he was elected California’s governor in 1966 and then when he sought and won the presidency in 1980.
From January 1981 to February 1985, Meese held the position of counselor to the president — the senior job on the White House staff — and functioned as Reagan’s chief policy adviser.
Meese served as the 75th attorney general of the United States from February 1985 to August 1988. As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, he directed the Justice Department and led international efforts to combat terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime.
He also is a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University in California and lectures, writes and consults throughout the United States on a variety of subjects.
As both attorney general and counselor to Reagan, Meese was a member of the Cabinet and the National Security Council. He served as chairman of the Domestic Policy Council and the National Drug Policy Board. After Reagan won the White House in the 1980 election, Meese headed the transition team. During the campaign, he was the Reagan-Bush Committee’s senior official.
A retired colonel in the Army Reserve, Meese remains active in numerous civic and educational organizations.
President Donald Trump awarded Meese the highest civilian honor — the Presidential Medal of Freedom – in 2019.

Dr. Lawrence Davenport
Dr. Lawrence Davenport has over 25 years of top-level executive management and consulting experience in education, public and private sector business, and government. Currently, he serves as Executive Vice President of Neher & Associates, a California-based management consulting firm. His experience includes serving as Senior Vice President of Bennett Yarger Associates, Executive Vice President for University Advancement/Executive Director for FAU Foundation, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Florida Atlantic University. As Executive Vice President for University Advancement Dr. Davenport raised more than 60 million dollars. The most funds raised in the University’s history.
He served as Chief Executive Officer for the Paragon Foundation, Hale House Center, Inc, Deputy Administrative Officer for the U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC, Senior Vice President-Mid-Atlantic Region, Antin-Neher Associates, CA, Vice President of Finance and Operations and Chief Financial Officer for Milton Hershey School, PA, Chief Financial Officer for Seattle Public School, WA, Associate Vice Chancellor for University Advancement and Planning at the University of California, San Francisco, Assistant Secretary for Management and Administration for the United States Department of Energy, DC, Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education, United States Department of Education, DC, Associate Director of ACTION, DC, Provost for the San Diego Community College District, CA, President San Diego Community College Educational Cultural Complex, Vice President for Development, Tuskegee Institute, AL and Assistant Dean, the University of Michigan-Flint, MI.
Dr. Davenport received a Doctorate of Education from Fairleigh Dickinson University, Master of Arts Degree and Bachelor of Arts from Michigan State University and Master of Science, University of Leicester. Dr. Davenport received his Six Sigma Black Belt Professional Certification from Management and Strategy Institute. He also has completed additional training in management and finance at Stanford University, University of Southern California, and Harvard University among others.
Board of Advisors
Larry P. Arnn
Hillsdale College
Hillsdale, MI
Charles J. Cooper
Attorney at Law
Cooper & Kirk, PLLC
Washington, DC
Becky Norton Dunlop
Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow
Heritage Foundation
Washington, DC
Philip Abrams
Boston, MA
Charles F. Rule
Attorney at Law
Paul/Weiss Law Firm
Washington, DC
We are truly facing existential threats to our individual rights and liberties, the Constitution, and our national character. If unchallenged, this assault on our very way of life will ruin our great nation. With your financial and moral support, Landmark is not going to let that happen without a fight. Will you join us?
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